
The Mystery Parcels (Part 2)

Now it's time to tell you about the next day I got the first mystery parcel.

I woke up from the my mother knocking on my bed room door early in the morning(at least for me).
Mum had a parcel in her hand and handed it to me. I jumped awake and want up to the kitchen to open it as soon as possible so see what, what kind of book was inside. 
I opened it. The parcel had 'Cinder', the first for the Lunar chronicles!

Then I checked the receipt/order details and again it was from the US. At this point I had a more clear idea who it was from. I just need to conform it some how.

I checked my post on facebook, and there was another clue that pretty much conformed who it was from.

It was from my friend Rebecca!!

I opened messenger to write a thank you email and there was a message earlier in the month (that I have clearly forgotten about until then) when she asked for my address which is common for us because we some times write to each other.

I met Rebecca at university. She was doing her year abroad at my university. I have also lived together with for a short while when I was going through some tough times. But the time I spent with her was a positive thing for me. We talked about books, movies, culture, life and many things.

Our interests cross over at places and we have very different interests in some things.
Which is really good because we tend to introduce new things to each other and then talk about them and experience a broad range of things. I might write a blog post about us but I simply I miss her.

Rebecca is really good at writing and she loves reading. She actually has a blog called:
"The Lonely Reader" about books she enjoy and reads you can click here to go to her blog!

I have learned one thing about myself from these two mystery parcels.
I really like surprises but on the other hand I have this 'instinct' or 'ability' to notice signs(not always but most of the time).
But in this case, this surprise was a success and I did not notice a thing!

I hope you liked my story about the mystery parcels.

See you soon!
Instagram: @ellenkoala


The Mystery Parcels (Part 1)

I know it is a little late but...
Merry Christmas!!
Happy New year!!

This story was a few days after Christmas, I came home from the city. I said "Hello" to my mother in the kitchen and walked towards my room to drop my bags. On the way, I saw this white parcel placed on the side table(where we put our mail)before I reach the stairs. I was curious and had a look who it was addressed to.

It was addressed to ME! Yey! REALLY?! Is this really happening??

Wait, who is this from?

I looked all around the parcel to see who was it from but there were no names that I recognized. Only the company that it was sent from.

I wonder who is this from? I have not ordered anything online that I know of.

I went back to the kitchen and I said to my mum with excitement "I have a parcel! But I have not ordered anything online".  Mum replied to me saying, "We(My mother and my aunt) were wondering if you have ordered something. You might know who it is from after you open it".

So, I opened it. I knew it was a book in it because it felt like a book when I held it in my hand.

It was "Carry On" written by Rainbow Rowell inside!

I have been meaning to read it after reading "FanGirl" from the same author this year in English but I did not have a copy of it yet.
I was happy that I got a book that is on my 'To-read reading list' and I love getting books as a gift!!!

But there was still a mystery... Who is this book/Christmas present from?

There were few clues.

The Stamp/return shipment details: It said to return to a Australian address.
The Company address: It said it was based in the United Kingdom.
The receipt/order details: The order was payed in US dollars.

This made things confusing, but I have figured that it was from a friend of mine from the US that knows my address.

I had a feeling I knew who it was in the back of my mind but I could not be sure so I posed on Facebook to test the air, To make sure that Who I am thinking is really the person who sent this book for me for Christmas.

To be continued... ;)
Instagram: @ellenkoala