
Snail Mail : Written History

"Snail Mail" is a term my firend used in one of our letters we have sent each other.

At this day and age, sending letters might be something that is old fashioned, time consuming and expensive  compared to texting, sending a email or a message. I believe that there is a beauty in writing and sending letters and cards. 

I grew up in Japan when the internet did not really existed and was not accessible around me until I was in junior high school (I sound that I am old but I am not). Even that, texting and using the internet was something that was really expensive from my point. I saw my friends everyday and I did not have/see the need to communicate except for meeting up and arranging plans.

Letters, parcels are somethings that was something special for me. It meant that I could connect with my Australian side of the family, and most importantly I get presents!! Birthdays and Christmas was those special occasions where I was able to connect with my 'other side' of my heritage.

There are so many reasons I really like wringing hand written letters.
I really enjoy the atmosphere when I writing a letter. I normally go to a cafe, order tea, sweets(like scones) and then think. Carefully, and let my mind wonder, gather my thoughts to start writing.
I might write some keywords on a note pad before I start but most of the time I just start writing.

One thing I do not use a computer. I have few reasons for this and I prefer to hand write.
One is that as I said I just start writing while I think. I just let things flow. In the olden day,  there was no such thing as a computer where you can delete and edit!
The second thing us that I think nowadays people do not really do anything with their hands.
It is much personal and have more thought and connection when you see hand writing.
It does not matter if you think your hand writing is bad, it is the effort to write something and itself is beautiful and meaningful.

My firend once told me that letters are/were the way scholars understood what people lived and  figured out what happened reassuring old letters. When I was told this I was really amazed about this. Now I can see that this does make total sense because even when my aunt and my mother were looking though all of these olde letters which were kept written by my grate-grandfathers and grate-mothers. Letters are things that can be reopened and read again an again and even be a part of a genealogy history. I recently found one letter I received from my firend when I was going though some tough times in Japan. It makes me happy and feel really valued.

As internet access is one of the essential thing in the modern lifestyle,  I think it is also important to continue writing and sending letters.

It is such a small thing,  but it brings me joy and makes me feel special and valued and loved.