
Songs and Memories

Do you have songs that trigger a specific moment and time in the past that you can pin point?

There is this Japanese boy band called Aashi that I followed my late teen age years and early university.

I brought out their live DVD to have it as a background music as I write my reports for college. I often had music or a movie playing in the background while I work on my essays and thesis.
Which some times work how I want it to but this time it seems like it as has become a part of my procrastination and I am writing this while I watch the second disk of the concert.
Most of their songs has some kind of representation of a period of life. 
I think this because I really enjoyed listen to them while I was thinking different things in different situations.

One song is called "Oh, Yeah!" which is a really good music to listen while you ride a bicycle and feel the wind. I used to listen to this son on my ipod or MD player(I sound really old here) while I ride home from high school. Everytime I listen to this song It make me feel nostalgic and take back when I was riding my bicycle back in my uniform and feeling the wind.

Another song that takes me back good memories is called "Shake it!". This one is quite silly one.
It take me back to university in the winter semester when I watched Japanese drams and Korean dramas with my one American Friend called Becca. We were watching this exact DVD together in my dorm room. we were enjoying the concert and I remember that we had to pause the DVD because the dance were quite unique for a Japanese boy band. We enjoyed it!
Most of the time I prepare myself before I listen to a song which will trigger memories and feelings.
But there are some situations which I can not prepare myself because they might trigger negative or bad memories. There are also situations where the result of the unprepared trigger make me feel emotional in may ways: nostalgic, emptiness, the feeling of missing someone.
When that happens I make my self feel that instant emotion but then I try and turn that into a positive emotion. That is difficult some times and it is practice. I even have not mastered it myself.
"Wake me up" from Avicii is a song that reminds me of one period of life at university which was difficult. I also had really good memorable times when I was listening to it. I also relate to the some of the lyrics and that makes it a little of a trigger to make me think about that time.
Although I feel this mixed emotions from my memory, I also have good memories and opportunity to meet wonderful people then. this song reminds me of them and I feel I miss my friends a lot but at the same time it make me want to do my best to work towards meeting them again!!

I miss my friends so much now!!

Are there any songs that remind you of a specific moment?
Let me know!


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