
Buffering: Book Review

I am not sure how to write a book review but I am just going to do my best.

This book(buffering) is the first autobiography(?) that I read and also finished in about a day.

While I enjoyed reading this book, it and made me think about lot of things.
Family, relationships, friends, mental illness, LGBTQ+, and everything about life...

I am a subscriber to Hannah's youtube Channel for about 4-5 years. I came across her while I was going though my youtube "recommendations" and also seen some videos with British youtubers collaborate with her. I really enjoyed her content and how she was all ways smiling and having fun with what she does. 

I think it was when I was listening to one of Rhett and Link's Ear biscuits podcast episodes that Hannah talked about her family and mentioned her Study abroad to Japan was some how a shock and made me feel close and felt a connection even though I have never met her her before. 
"I have something in common! Japanese!" Then I realised that her YouTube channel was literary "Hart" in Japanese. (γƒγƒΌγƒˆ)

I was curious, I am a curious person and I wanted to know who she is. 

literally I am writing this after I have finished reading and I am having problems to comprehend. 

Some Key worlds I got out of it.

No matter what, you are not alone: different circumstance but we have people around
"depression isn't about tying to run away from the feeling; it's about learning to walk along side it"(p72)

To Hannah,

I would love to meet you and talk about many things. but most of all, want to give you a big hug.

I hope I can meet books like this that have an positive influence to me. 

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