
Different types of Halloween

Halloween 2016 has been a quiet one for me.
I have been studying most of the day.

On the other hand, the last few halloweens have been different each year.

Most of the years when I was univeristy in Japan I dressed up and went to the halloween event was at the student hall or/and dress up for the halloween IAC(Intercultural Affairs Committee) dancy party as an IAC member.

In Japan Halloween is quite a new thing that the country and society are processing slowly. There have been problems especially in the middle of Tokyo on the Halloween weekend, there are a lot of people walking around in costumes and going to bars and having fun. However, because of the amount of people gathered at one area the traffic stops and the cars can not move at all.

When I was in the UK I had to experience the pumpkin carving and went to a birthday party.
Two of my friends had their birthday on the 31st of October and we celebrated together.
In the UK I also went to a bar which was pop culture themed and it was turned into a halloween event venue. It was quite spooky and I remember half of the time being a little scared of the decorations.

In Australia... I think Halloween is quite a new thing for Australia. The party supply industry loves the promotion and the sales for costumes for children and young adults who participate and enjoys it.
On the other hand there are the older generation where they only see it as an advertising, commercial event for people to spend more money.

I can see both sides of the argument but at the end of the day,  I think if people are enjoying it that is the best thing! For example, I made some ghost biscuits and dressed up as a witch and I enjoyed it.

One day, I would love to experience the true American Halloween in the future.



Felting for the first time!

Late January, I visited my friend's family house in the suburb of Sydney.
It was a really good opportunity to get out there and see different parts of Sydney.

I really enjoyed my stay there with my friend's family.
The family has a Russian background and we talked for a quite a long time about Australia.
I have also learned a little about Russian culture. I wound every thing curious!

Most of all, I have learned about felting.
I knew about felting but I have never had a chance to do felting.

I found it quite difficult because we had to layer and layer wool, and then rub the wool under a net with water and soap. It took a very very long time making felt.
Did you know that when you making it, the wool shrinks 2/3 from the original size?
We were on the table rubbing wool with wet hands for the whole evening.

It was also my friends first time to do felting so it was a challenge for her too.
She made the cat cover for a teapot and I made a mug cover with sheep on it.

It was a very good and new thing that I was able to experience and I am grateful for that.

I will love to experience interesting things like this more often!



Art Between Books

One of my hobby is to cross stitch.

I have been doing it for quite a while and have been working on some small project and big projects.

Recently I have been working on quite a lot of small projects:bookmarks.
I really like making them because it gives me the sense of satisfaction by finishing them.

Earlier this year when I started making book marks I just referred to patterns that are already made.
I had this idea of making my own pattern but I found it quite difficult when I was colouring in and then rubbing out the pencil marks I made in the gridded notebook I bought at the local newsagency.

After sometime of trial and error, I have discovered this software where I can create my own pattern!!
My aunt already had it in my grandfather's computer and since I have access to it, I stated to make my original patterns.

I have made custom designed ones and made similar ones in different colours.
My mother has requested quite a few of them for herself and for presents to her Friends.
I have made themed ones too.

Most of them time I will watch a movie and work on a project while I enjoy movies and television series. I enjoy the process and love to see the face of the person first opening there present.
I also love using something which has been hand made and that there is no exactly seme thing in this whole wide world.

See you soon!


Watermelon prices in Australia

Recently I have been talking to my friend who now lives in Switzerland about the price of fruit.

As we both grew up in Japan we both agree that it is quite expensive to buy fruit. For example, one package of strawberries might cost you 600 yen/$6 and here in Australia yes it is pricy but it be 2 packages for $5. In switzerland I am not exactly sure but I can imagine my friend saying "expensive".

So, lets talk about watermelons. It was quite a shock to see big watermelons sold at about $1 per Kilo!!
If you would be in Japan It would cost just one watermelon about $15 to $30 each!!
Another thing that shocked me was that the watermelons were all in this huge box in the middle of  the shop!
I am used to buying things by weight in Australia but I feel like going to buy a watermelon or even watermelons would be a whole new level of culture shock and experience.

Australia has areas like Queensland which consider to be the tropical region and have big scale farms. In comparison, Japan has its restriction of land and when it is imported from other countries fruits from its own country becomes more expensive.

In the case of Switzerland and Germany, my Friend say that it is quite cheap to get fruit like Australia but not as cheap as in Australia. When I lived in the UK for a while. I remember it was quite cheap compared to Japan.

I think in quality and uniqueness for having several kinds of varieties for strawberries, mandarins, grapes and also watermelon, I think Japan is ahead with creating tasty fruits.
But also the price difference will be depending on the economic factors and trade agreements but let's not go there.

This is a quite normal thing as an example of a form of culture shock where you get everywhere.
It is just for me, it is quite a difference so it made me curious!

There are so many things in life which is curious and fascinating.



My obsession, addiction with books

I have a obsession and addiction to books.

Maybe it is because that I am a total nerd/geek?

From a young age I quite often wondered in the library and pick up a book that looks interesting and start reading. Sometimes I went in for a specific book to borrow and end up with a pile of books to borrow to read.

I love libraries because you never know when you come across a really interesting book and it it is a place filled with knowledge. Also you can escape from the reality in some cases and indulge in the world you are reading about.

As a person who have read quite a lot in Japanese from a young age, reading English novels were quite a struggle. I was getting better but when I was in Australia at high school, I struggled with imagining the scene in my head.
Strangely enough, when it was factual like Science, Maths, and History, it was still difficult but I found it more easier.

At university it became a little more difficult and easier at the same time. I was gaining confidence in reading but the language that were used became difficult. I struggled in a different way but I know that made me grow and open to more English books! (I do not need to wait for books to be translated into Japanese!!)

Even though I struggled reading, my love of books never went away. It actually made my love for books and libraries stronger.

But, I still have the basic struggle to read novels and books in English. I borrow books but I somehow satisfied with borrowing them. Which is a waist...I know.

Early 2016, I have set up a account with a website that I can keep my progress of reading and books that I want to read. The website has a reading challenge to complete within the year which I decided to read at least 10 books in English. Currently I have read 6 books. (This number does not include books for my studies but will include for personal curiosity and studies)

There is the problem. Because I love books, I often wonder in a bookstore and look for more books that look interesting to read. I then get carried away looking at potential books that I have never read before. Most of the time I write there names down because I just do not need them now because I just have too many books that I have at home.

I think this problem will never go away, and I do not think I would ever want it go away because by reading, I deepen my knowledge and that is just one thing that makes me, me!

Is there any books that you will recommend for me to read?

See you soon!


DIY Computer Cover

Recently I have made a cover for my computer.

There are few reasons why I have made this.
  • I could not find any cover that will fit my computer.
    From my search around local electronic stores and stores in the city, I just could not find the right side I need for my computer. I did not want to take the risk and buy a cover and bring it home to discover that I have to return it back to the shop.
  • I could not find any cover that I liked.
    This is in terms of design and colour wise. There were covers that had interesting designs which I did not like. Some were in really vibrant colours which did not appeal to my taste.
  • The covers that I were looking at were all over my budget.
    Some times I found covers that were quite good and which I would be willing to purchase. However, simply most of them were over my budget. 
So, one afternoon after college I decided to make a computer cover.
I went to my local textile shop and bought: Cotton padding material as lining, material that I wanted to have outside, and industrial length zipper.
After I got home I started to measure the size I wanted and cut out the pattern using newspaper and then cutting out the amount of material I need for both the lining and the outside pattern.of the cover.

I then sew the materials together having both right side together for 3 sides. For the last side, I left a gap in the middle to be able to flip it inside out to make both right sides outside and sew the gap up. 

Then it was the hardest bit: sewing the zipper. I struggled a little, especially to have the right length and at the corners. However I think I did a good job!

I was proud of myself being able to come up with the idea and then finish it in one evening!

I love being creative and making these kind of things.
Feeling some kind of accomplishment and satisfaction from your own projects are the best thing ever!

See you soon!

Am I smelling smoke?

One Friday morning, I get off the train and can smell something burning.

In Australia bushfires are quite common and I was quite concerned about it.

It is getting close to summer and there are days that are quite cool and days which are hot.

I arrived at college and I looked up where the fires is and what the status of the fire.

Have had experienced some major disasters in the past, I get quite conscious of the change of my surroundings.

It turns out that it was quite close but it was controlled and it was safe.
I was glad that it was not major and I am safe and other people were safe.

As my teacher arrived to the class, I asked about the smoke in the air.
She said, "Ah, do not worry, they are doing Prescribed Burning."
"What is that? Is that like burning to kill the bugs?" I asked.
"In Japan they burn the side of the rice paddies to kill the bugs before they start to grow new rice every year." I continued.

The teacher answered. " No, it is to eliminate the spread of bushfires."

That made so much sense because the college is no where near any farms or paddies that I am used to have back in Japan.

Apparently the aboriginals, the people who originally owned the lands of Australia had their own way of control burning which surprised me and made me see another interesting side of Australia.

See you soon!


Leaves changing colour ~it's Autumn~

It is spring in the southern hemisphere but my mind tries to make me think it is autumn/fall.

Is this a type of culture shock that I am experiencing?
Maybe but I should be fine.

This time of the year is all about art, food, and beauty of the leaves changing colour in Japan.

Last year my cousin and I went up the mountain called Nasu in Tochigi prefecture.

It was the first time for me to drive my cousin in my car and go up the windy roads that take you to the beautiful areas.

We went to the places that my grandfather recommended to the family when there were visitors to the area.

He knew all of the best places!

Down near the water fall there is also a small hot spring called "Kita Onsen" which is a nice cosy traditional hot spring place.

I do miss the distinctive change of 4 seasons in the year.

I also miss my grandfather.

See you soon!