
Felting for the first time!

Late January, I visited my friend's family house in the suburb of Sydney.
It was a really good opportunity to get out there and see different parts of Sydney.

I really enjoyed my stay there with my friend's family.
The family has a Russian background and we talked for a quite a long time about Australia.
I have also learned a little about Russian culture. I wound every thing curious!

Most of all, I have learned about felting.
I knew about felting but I have never had a chance to do felting.

I found it quite difficult because we had to layer and layer wool, and then rub the wool under a net with water and soap. It took a very very long time making felt.
Did you know that when you making it, the wool shrinks 2/3 from the original size?
We were on the table rubbing wool with wet hands for the whole evening.

It was also my friends first time to do felting so it was a challenge for her too.
She made the cat cover for a teapot and I made a mug cover with sheep on it.

It was a very good and new thing that I was able to experience and I am grateful for that.

I will love to experience interesting things like this more often!


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